SICP Exercise 1.9 – Process Illustration


Each of the following two procedures defines a method for adding two positive integers in terms of the procedures inc, which increments its argument by 1, and dec, which decrements its argument by 1

(define (inc x) (+ x 1))
(define (dec x) (- x 1))

; Implementation 1
(define (plus-v1 a b)
  (if (= a 0) 
      (inc (plus-v1 (dec a) b))))

; Implementation 2
(define (plus-v2 a b)
  (if (= a 0) 
      (plus-v2 (dec a) (inc b))))

Using the substitution model, illustrate the process generated by each procedure in evaluating (plus-v1 4 5) and (plus-v2 4 5). Are these processes iterative or recursive?


An important distinction to reiterate here is the difference between a recursive procedure and a recursive process. A procedure that references itself is a recursive procedure. In the implementations of plus above, both procedures are recursive. It’s a static construct. But a recursive procedure, at runtime, can generate an iterative process! Whether a process is iterative or recursive depends on the manner in which the computation is carried out.

A common way to illustrate each evaluation step of a procedure application process is using the substitution model to show the expression that gets evaluated.

Here’s an example of using substitution applied to the first plus procedure.

(plus-v1 3 5)
(inc (plus-v1 2 5))
(inc (inc (plus-v1 1 5)))
(inc (inc (inc (plus-v1 0 5))))
(inc (inc (inc 5)))
(inc (inc (+ 5 1)))
(inc (inc 6))
(inc (+ 6 1))
(inc 7)
(+ 7 1)

The first (plus-v1 3 5) expression is our initial procedure invocation.

If we evaluate this we will get our next result. Since 3 does not equal 0, the if statement is skipped and we get (inc (plus-v1 2 5)). If we evaluate this again, notice that we don’t expand the expression for inc yet because we don’t know what the value of it’s argument is. We need to continue expanding the plus expressions until we reach an actual primitive value.

In other words, we are deferring the evaluation of inc until later. If you look at our full expansion, we only start calling inc when we get the value 5 back from (plus-v1 0 5). This chain of deferred operations during the evaluation process makes this a recursive process!

Now contrast this to the other plus procedure plus-v2.

(plus-v2 3 5)
(plus-v2 2 6)
(plus-v2 1 7)
(plus-v2 0 8)

In each step of the evaluation, no operation is deferred. We’re incrementing one number, decrementing the other and calling the function again. There are no function calls waiting for a result. This is an iterative process. In iterative processes, the complete state is computed in each step. In other words, prior to calling the procedure, all the parameters that would bind to the arguments are provided with primitive values.


When we did this exercise with David Beazley in his SICP course, he joked that this exercise was sort of like desert island coding. You’re stranded on a desert island… if you only had increment and decrement, how would you add addition and multiplication? Funny enough, he was actually stuck in a scenario not too far from that when he had to re-invent the shell using python while locked in a secure vault (very entertaining talk!).

What I like about this exercise is how effectively it gives students a feel for the difference between recursive and iterative processes. By expanding out an expression by hand using substitution, you can see operations expanding and contracting. This raises a lot of interesting ideas and questions around performance, recursive function base-cases, and whether all recursive forms have an iterative form and vice-versa.

SICP Exercise 1.6 – Cond as If?


Alyssa P. Hacker doesn’t see why if needs to be provided as a special form. “Why can’t I just define it as an ordinary procedure in terms of cond” she asks. Alyssa’s friend Eva Lu Ator claims this can indeed be done, and she defines a new version of if:

(define (new-if predicate 
  (cond (predicate then-clause)
        (else else-clause)))

Eva demonstrates the program for Alyssa:

(new-if (= 2 3) 0 5)
(new-if (= 1 1) 0 5)

Delighted, Alyssa uses new-if to rewrite the square-root program:

(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
  (new-if (good-enough? guess x)
          (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))

What happens when Alyssa attempts to use this to compute square roots? Explain.


The new-if appears to work since in the simple example we’re getting the correct results. However, the applicative order of evaluation of the new-if is a subtle but important difference compared to the actual if statement.

With applicative order evaluation of function applications, both the then-clause and the else-clause gets executed. We’re going to end up always evaluating sqrt-iter even if the guess is good enough. This completely breaks recursive procedures that rely on the satisfaction of base case conditions to terminate calls. In this case, the recursive calls will never end because sqrt-iter will be called all the time.

I really like this exercise because at a glance, it seems perfectly reasonable to implement if in terms of cond – I mean, they both exhibit the evaluation style that you want. else clauses won’t be executed at all if the predicate is true. So why not just substitute one for the other?! That sounds good! But in trying to do this by defining a new function, you immediately lose the special-case evaluation behavior 😹. This really further drives home the essential nature of lazy evaluation behavior for conditionals.

I think often as consumers of programming languages we take this behavior for granted and don’t think twice about how conditional expressions are evaluated. But this sort of exercise (and many exercises in SICP!) puts you in the seat of the language designer.

Newtons Square Root Method in Racket

Isaac Newton came up with an elegant method for calculating square roots through a series of approximations that get refined over time. At the end of this post, I will show a racket implementation of the procedure.


The square of \(x\) can be written as either \(2*2\) or in the exponential form \(x^2\). Therefore, the square of 2 is 4 because \(2*2\) is 4 and the square of 3 is 9 because \(3 * 3\) is 9. It’s called squaring because when you multiply a number by itself, you form the area of a square since the two numbers are the same and can be conceptualized as equal sides on a square.

Square roots are the inverse of squares and the square root of x can be written in its fractional exponential form \(x ^ {1/2}\) or more commonly \(\sqrt{x}\). If \(\sqrt{x} = y\), then it must also follow that \(y^2 = x\).

A perfect square is a number that is the product of a number multiplied by itself. Some examples of perfect squares are 4 (\(2*2\)), 9 (\(3*3\)), 16 (\(4*4\)), and 25 (\(5*5\)).

Finding the square root by … guessing

What’s the square root of 9? How do you compute this in your head if you don’t already know that the answer is 3?

Start guessing!

Pick a number less than 9 and square it and see how close I get to 9. If the answer is less than 9, then the square root must be larger than my current guess. And if it’s larger than 9, then the square root is smaller than my current guess.

There’s two parts to this process:

  1. Guessing a number that represents the square root
  2. Checking whether the square if the guess is within the threshold of what we are looking for (as close to 0 as possible)

To phrase this more precisely, given \(\sqrt{x}\), we’re looking for \(y\) such that \(x – y ^ 2 = 0\).

A closer look at newtons method

\(let\ a = 9\), where 9 is the number we’re trying to find square root for. Think of it as the total area of a rectangle.

\(x\) is our guess.

\(y\) is the other side of our rectangle such as \(x*y = a\)

Think of 9 as an area of a rectangle. You can form it in different ways / different dimensions but with the same area. The last shape is a perfect square with equal sides – the side of a perfect square is what we’re looking for.

Given any \(x\) and \(y\) such that \(x * y = a\), we know that any other value less than \(x\) if \(y\) is unchanged will be < \(a\) and any value more than \(y\) will be > \(a\).

To make a better guess towards a value that brings us closer to the perfect square such that \(x * y = a\) and \(x = y\), \(x\) needs to be bigger and \(y\) needs to be smaller.

Basically, we want \(x\) to be as close to \(y\) as possible, so they need to get closer over time in order for us to find the answer. Therefore, a better guess needs to be a value that is between \(x\) and \(y\).

One such better guess is the average of \(x\) and \(y\)!

By repeating this process, we converge on the answer.

Racket Implementation

#lang racket

(define (sqrt x)
    (define (square x) (* x x))

    (define (good-enough? guess x)
      (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))

    (define (average x y) (/ (+ x y) 2))

    (define (improve guess x)
      (average guess (/ x guess)))

    (define (sqrt-iter guess x)
      (if (good-enough? guess x)
          (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))

    (sqrt-iter 1.0 x)

SICP Exercise 1.5 – Testing Evaluation Order


Ben Bitdiddle has invented a test to determine whether the interpreter he is faced with is using applicative-order evaluation or normal-order evaluation.

To refresh your memory, “applicative-order” means that procedure arguments get evaluated before being substituted into a procedure. “Normal-order” means that procedure arguments get evaluated later and only if needed (lazy).

He defines the following two procedures:

(define (p) (p))

(define (test x y) 
  (if (= x 0) 

The first procedure is a function by the name p that returns the invocation of itself. So it’s a recursive call. The second procedure performs a conditional check on two variables. If x is zero, return zero. Otherwise return y.

Then he evaluates the expression

(test 0 (p))

What behavior will Ben observe with an interpreter that uses applicative-order evaluation? What behavior will he observe with an interpreter that uses normal-order evaluation?

Explain your answer. (Assume that the evaluation rule for the special form if is the same whether the interpreter is using normal or applicative order: The predicate expression is evaluated first, and the result determines whether to evaluate the consequent or the alternative expression.)


Consider applicative order first where arguments are evaluated first before being passed into the function.

Given (test 0 (p)), the arguments are 0 and (p).

0 is a literal primitive so it just evaluates to itself (zero).

(p) is a procedure application (a procedure that accepts no arguments) that returns the result of another procedure application (the application of itself, p). Since it’s an application that returns the application of itself with no terminating condition, it’ll continue applying itself indefinitely! In other words, we’ll never actually get a chance to enter into the test procedure call due to this non-terminating procedure.

On the other hand, with normal order evaluation where the arguments are evaluated on when needed, (test 0 (p)) will expand to (if (= 0 0) 0 (p)).

Since the condition is true, and given that the if special form never evaluates the right hand side expression unless the condition is false, the return value is 0. If we changed our procedure application to (test 1 (p)) however, it’ll enter into an infinite loop.


This small example demonstrates a fairly deep idea. Given the same arguments to a function and applying the substitution model of reasoning about how symbols get replaced with values, evaluation order matters. This is not an obvious concept and one that surprised me even though I’ve been programming for many years.

If most languages you’ve used implement applicative order evaluation, code that looks like should exhibit the same behavior in a language that uses normal order evaluation would be surprising.

What are the pros and cons of normal order evaluation?

Are there any programming languages that use normal order evaluation?

How do you implement normal order evaluation in an interpreter?