login.fr.cloud.gov 2019 oauth redirect_uri vulnerability report

i’ve been reading oauth vulnerability reports to better understand the various attack vectors. a common one is a case where the redirect_uri is not validated as part of the initial authorization request. i found an old hackerone report about this exact scenario

here’s the report

ok so login.fr.cloud.gov is clearly the authorization server. the attacker is using a registered oauth client with the provider that is configured with a different set of redirect_uris. im going to guess the attacker doesn’t actually own the client app in this case. the client_id is not a secret, so its fairly easy to get a hold of. once the attacker in this case constructs the link with their own custom redirect param, they can share it

as part of a phishing attack, an unsuspecting user can click on that link and authorize access. upon success, they will be redirected to a valid redirect url with a code parameter that can be exchanged for an access token. now that access tokens can be made against the server for user data

the reporter here is suggesting that an attacker can provide any malicious url, so that the authz code actually gets redirected to evil.com where the attacker can retrieve the code. for them to really do anything with the code, we probably have to assume that this is an implicit grant flow where the authorization step actually redirects with an access token (actually this reporter does mention access token in the report, so thats probably a safe assumption). otherwise, an attacker can’t really do much with the authz code without the oauth clients full credentials.

the simplest way to mitigate this attack is to make sure redirect uris are validated properly. nowdays it’s also not recommended to use implicit grants that do not require the oauth client to present an authz token along with protected credentials. if you have a confidential oauth app, you need to use the authorization code flow.

why can’t you tamper with a JWT?

jwt tokens are a very popular way of transmitting claims information between systems. It’s based on a public key system so that the claims can be verified and the verifier can be confident that the claim was issued by a trusted entity.

microservice architectures will commonly use the claims to perform access control. For example, the claim may contain a users ID and their roles. This information can then be used to allow or deny access to resources.

One question that inevitably comes up when implementing JWT flows is:

How can I be sure that this JWT isn’t fake? How do I know it’s not tampered with??

if you don’t verify the signature, you really can’t be sure. JWT tokens contain a “signature” which is the output of a cryptographic hashing algorithm such as RS256. The issuer of the token will hash the header and payload of the JWT using a one way hash. This hashed output is then encrypted using a secret and then the final output gets stored inside the token. So what gets stored is an encrypted signature. If anything about the contents of the JWT changes, the signature will change.

on the receiving side, the only way to trust the token is to verify the signature. First, the signature in the claim needs to be decrypted using a public key (this is usually made available by the issuer). If you can successfully decrypt this value then you can be confident that the token was issued by the trusted party. However, at this point you haven’t verified if the contents have been tampered with / changed.

to verify that the integrity of the actual payload, you need to perform the same hash on the header and payload and compared the hashed output to the claim signature. If they match, you now have confidence that the claims were not tampered with! So there’s two levels of verification that happen. The first is the successful decryption of the claim. If decryption fails, the claim must not have been issued by the trusted party. For example, if I generated a JWT using some random secret key, it can only be decrypted by a specific public key. If I don’t share this public key with another party, they cannot trust me. So if a service is unable to decrypt using the public key it has, it cannot establish trust.

by the same token (hehe), if the verification of hashes fail, it’s possible that the token was issued by a trusted party but the contents of the JWT changed or does not match what was used to generate the original signature. This is a sign of tampering – either by another party or even by accident by the JWT consuming service (perhaps there’s a bug in the signature verification code).

what the reflected XSS

reflected XSS attacks are a common way of tricking a users browser agent into executing malicious code. I’ll share onedefinition I found from mozilla and unpack the key terms / concepts.

When a user is tricked into clicking a malicious link, submitting a specially crafted form, or browsing to a malicious site, the injected code travels to the vulnerable website. The Web server reflects the injected script back to the user’s browser, such as in an error message, search result, or any other response that includes data sent to the server as part of the request. The browser executes the code because it assumes the response is from a “trusted” server which the user has already interacted with.


there’s a few key phrases here that are important to understanding XSS:

  • malicious link – this is the link sent by the attack to a user of a web service. Lets assume you’re the user and the service is my-bank.com. This link may look like “my-bank.com?alert=<script>… malicious code …</script>” which contains code that the attacker wants to execute on your browser.
  • malicious site – this is a site owned by the attacker. A malicious site doesn’t need to exist for an attack to happen, but it’s one place an attacker can get you to submit details that they can use to construct a scripted attack. For example, lets say they need your email address to perform an attack. The site might have a fake form that collects your email address and then redirects you to “my-bank.com” with an embedded URL script.
  • vulnerable website – this is the site that is vulnerable to XSS attacks. In general, that includes any site that doesn’t escape / sanitize inputs from the client. The problem with this is that it can lead to the browser agent executing user provided (via an attacker) javascript.
  • web server – this is the bank services backend service
  • “trusted” server – this is the bank server that returned the HTML containing malicious code that the users browser executed. Trusted is in quotes here because the server is returning javascript that it did not intend to. So it can’t really be trusted.

XSS attacks take advantage of:

  • A web service that liberally accepts user provided inputs (an attacker can replace a safe input with client code) and renders that input without sanitization (permits arbitrary code execution via injected script tags)
  • An established trust between the user agent and the web service. Any malicious code may execute in the context of an established session between the user and the service. For example, the user may be logged in and therefore all requests originating from the page (which will contain auth related cookies like session cookies) are trusted by the backend.
  • An unsuspecting user that blindly clicks a link (perhaps emailed to them) or fills out a form on a malicious website

err how is this different from stored XSS?

the only difference between reflected XSS and stored XSS is that with stored XSS, the malicious code is actually stored on the vulnerable web services servers. For example, lets say twitter is the vulnerable website and you’re a twitter user. Now lets assume you’re following someone who’s an attacker and they submit a tweet containing malicious code that they know will be executed by browser agents when it gets rendered, say, in the newsfeed of followers.

so here’s how it goes down – they submit the tweet containing script code. That tweet gets stored on the twitter servers (this is where the word “stored” comes from). That tweet will be rendered in users news feeds and when it does, the contents of the tweet gets executed as javascript. Boom, that’s the XSS attack. Just like reflected XSS, this can be prevented by ensuring that user input (in this case, tweets) is sanitized.

Additional resources

  • https://www.stackhawk.com/blog/what-is-cross-site-scripting-xss/
  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Types_of_attacks#cross-site_scripting_xss

running docker container as non-root

one common misconception is that containers provide a secure and isolated environment and therefore it’s fine for processes to run as root (this is the default). I mean, it’s not like it can affect the host system right? Turns out it can and it’s called “container breakout”!

dalle2 container breakout

with containers, you should also apply the principle of least privilege and run processes as a non-root users. This significantly reduces the attack surface because any vulnerability in the container runtime that happens to expose host resources to the container will be less likely to be taken advantage of by a container process that does not have root permissions.

here’s a rough skeleton of how you can do this by using the USER directive in the Dockerfile:

# Create a non-root user named "appuser" with UID 1200
RUN adduser --disabled-password --uid 1200 content

# Set the working directory

# Grant ownership and permissions to the non-root user for the working directory
RUN chown -R appuser /app

# Switch to the non-root user before CMD instruction
USER appuser

# ... install app dependencies ...
# this may involve copying over files and compiling

# Execute script
CMD ["./run"]

one thing worth mentioning in this example is permissions.

we use the USER instruction early on right after we change the ownership of the working directory. since this is happening before we enter the application building phases, it’s possible that the permissions of the user appuser is insufficient for subsequent commands. For example, maybe at some point in your docker file you need to change the permission of a file that appuser doesn’t own or maybe it needs to write to a bind-mounted directory owned by a host user. If this applies to your situation, you can either adjust permissions as needed prior to running USER or move USER farther down towards the CMD instruction.

generally speaking, it’s also good practice to ensure that the files that are copied over from the host have their ownership changed to appuser. this isn’t as critical as ensuring that the process itself is running as non-root via USER since if an attacker gains privileged access, they can access any file in the container regardless of ownership. nonetheless it’s a good practice that follows the principle of least privilege in that it scopes the ownership of the files to the users and groups that actually need it.

other resources if you’re interested in learning more about this topic:

  • https://medium.com/jobteaser-dev-team/docker-user-best-practices-a8d2ca5205f4
  • https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/secure-your-containers-one-weird-trick
  • https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/understanding-root-inside-and-outside-container