stream of consciousness about software. but mostly blank

SAML and OAuth purposes

i’ve been thinking about saml and oauth a lot lately due to work. i’m putting down some of my thoughts here on how i believe they differ in purpose.

lets say there’s COOL WEB APP with a typical authentication using email and password. these creds get transmitted in a HTTP request and server backend verifies the credentials and grants access to user (hopefully user credentials are stored in an encrypted form…).

but there are many situations in which you may not want to be the one in charge of creds. maybe you’re scared. or maybe you want potential users to log in using their existing account with a different service (say, Google or Facebook) for convenience. or both.

if the user authenticates with a third party service (that you trust), you are basically delegating identity verification to a separate service. this is sort of the point of both SAML and OAuth at a high level, but they’re designed for different problems.


implementing OAuth in the web app lets users of that app access the service through a trusted third party that does the auth. The user goes through a login flow with the third party and eventually the third party grants a token that your app can use to retrieve user information (such as email) that can be used to grant access to the COOL WEB APP.

as a user, i might access multiple services with different oauth flows. if i use service A, i might oauth with my google login. if i use service B, i might oauth with my facebook login. but what if i want to be auth’d into both service A and service B using single auth step AKA single sign on. i’m lazy and i don’t want to use different oauth flows for each service. or maybe i’m a big corp and i want to centralize IT auth flows

OAuth, however, is not designed for single sign on scenarios (please correct me if i’m wrong!)


that’s what SAML addresses! Implementing SAML for a web app is similar to OAuth in that identity is being delegated the auth to a third party, but in this case that third party is a specific entity known as an “Identity Provider” (IDP).

the responsibility of an identity provider is to grant a user access to multiple cool web apps, not just the one COOL WEB APP. the way this works is that each of those web apps have a trust relationship with the identity provider. so first trust is established with the IDP and that trust and then used to gain access to the related services. that’s basically single sign on in a nutshell.

the user signs into a single service (the identity provider) and that service has a trust relationship with N services. The user can then log into N services (one of which is yours) all mediated through SAML. this is why i believe someone came up with the fancy $100 dollar phrase “federated identity”

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