Here’s my source code for the assembler for the nand2tetris HACK assembly language written in Python 3.
This implementation emphasizes readability above all else. Therefore, there are more function calls than necessary and many parts of the implementation assume valid inputs. It has been tested to work with all files provided in the course.
I hope this can serve as a useful reference for others.
import re
import sys
import argparse
def convert_assembly_to_binary_file(asm_file, binary_file):
with open(asm_file, "r") as f:
result = translate_lines(f.readlines())
output = "\n".join([l for l in result if l])
with open(binary_file, "w") as f:
def translate_lines(lines):
lines = strip_whitespace_and_comments(lines)
symbol_table = build_symbol_table(lines)
translate_instruction = build_instruction_translator(symbol_table)
return [translate_instruction(x) for x in lines]
def strip_whitespace_and_comments(lines):
instructions = []
for line in lines:
stripped_line = line.strip()
if stripped_line:
if not stripped_line.startswith("//"):
if "//" in stripped_line:
return instructions
def build_symbol_table(lines):
symbols = {
"R0": "0000000000000000",
"R1": "0000000000000001",
"R2": "0000000000000010",
"R3": "0000000000000011",
"R4": "0000000000000100",
"R5": "0000000000000101",
"R6": "0000000000000110",
"R7": "0000000000000111",
"R8": "0000000000001000",
"R9": "0000000000001001",
"R10": "0000000000001010",
"R11": "0000000000001011",
"R12": "0000000000001100",
"R13": "0000000000001101",
"R14": "0000000000001110",
"R15": "0000000000001111",
"SP": "0000000000000000",
"ARG": "0000000000000010",
"LCL": "0000000000000001",
"THIS": "0000000000000011",
"THAT": "0000000000000100",
"KBD": "0110000000000000",
"SCREEN": "0100000000000000"
is_address_instruction = lambda x: x.startswith("@")
is_compute_instruction = lambda x: "=" in x or ";" in x
label_value = lambda x: x.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").strip()
current_line_num = 0
for line in lines:
if is_address_instruction(line) or is_compute_instruction(line):
current_line_num +=1
elif is_label(line):
symbols[label_value(line)] = decimal_to_binary(current_line_num)
base_address = 16
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("@"):
value = line[1:]
if value not in symbols and not value.isnumeric():
symbols[value] = decimal_to_binary(base_address)
base_address += 1
return symbols
def build_instruction_translator(symbol_table):
"0": "0101010",
"1": "0111111",
"-1": "0111010",
"D": "0001100",
"A": "0110000",
"!D": "0001101",
"!A": "0110001",
"-D": "0001111",
"-A": "0110011",
"D+1": "0011111",
"A+1": "0110111",
"D-1": "0001110",
"A-1": "0110010",
"D+A": "0000010",
"D-A": "0010011",
"A-D": "0000111",
"D&A": "0000000",
"D|A": "0010101",
"M": "1110000",
"!M": "1110001",
"-M": "1110011",
"M+1": "1110111",
"M-1": "1110010",
"D+M": "1000010",
"D-M": "1010011",
"M-D": "1000111",
"D&M": "1000000",
"D|M": "1010101"
"": "000",
"M": "001",
"D": "010",
"MD": "011",
"A": "100",
"AM": "101",
"AD": "110",
"AMD": "111"
"": "000",
"JGT": "001",
"JEQ": "010",
"JGE": "011",
"JLT": "100",
"JNE": "101",
"JLE": "110",
"JMP": "111"
def fn(line):
if is_label(line):
if line.startswith("@"):
value = line[1:]
if value in symbol_table:
return symbol_table[value]
return decimal_to_binary(int(value))
dest, jump = "", ""
comp = line.split("=").pop().split(";")[0]
if "=" in line:
dest = line.split("=")[0]
if ";" in line:
jump = line.split(";").pop()
return f"111{COMPUTATIONS.get(comp, '0000000')}{DESTINATIONS.get(dest, '000')}{JUMPS.get(jump, '000')}"
return fn
def is_label(line):
return line.startswith("(") and line.endswith(")")
def decimal_to_binary(decimal_value):
return f"{decimal_value:0>16b}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generates a hack binary file from assembly")
parser.add_argument("asm_file", help="name of a HACK assembly file, i.e input.asm")
parser.add_argument("binary_file", help="name of the HACK file, i.e output.hack")
args = parser.parse_args()
convert_assembly_to_binary_file(args.asm_file, args.binary_file)
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Here’s what a translation for the Project 06 Max program looks like:
Line Number | Before | After |
0 | @R0 | 0000000000000000 |
1 | D=M | 1111110000010000 |
2 | @R1 | 0000000000000001 |
3 | D=D-M | 1111010011010000 |
4 | @OUTPUT_FIRST | 0000000000001010 |
5 | D;JGT | 1110001100000001 |
6 | @R1 | 0000000000000001 |
7 | D=M | 1111110000010000 |
8 | @OUTPUT_D | 0000000000001100 |
9 | 0;JMP | 1110101010000111 |
10 | (OUTPUT_FIRST) | |
11 | @R0 | 0000000000000000 |
12 | D=M | 1111110000010000 |
13 | (OUTPUT_D) | |
14 | @R2 | 0000000000000010 |
15 | M=D | 1110001100001000 |
16 | (INFINITE_LOOP) | |
17 | @INFINITE_LOOP | 0000000000001110 |
18 | 0;JMP | 1110101010000111 |
The full specification for the nand2tetris HACK machine language can be found in the Project 6 materials on the course website.
Let me know if you have any questions!
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